Precision Wellness

Incontinence can be Fixed

Finally a Solution that Works

EMSELLA is a groundbreaking solution for urinary incontinence, leveraging HIFEM technology to strengthen pelvic floor muscles effectively. Its non-invasive approach addresses both stress and urge incontinence, providing a significant improvement in bladder control.

Countless women experience vaginal irregularities and structural changes resulting from childbirth, aging, or various other factors. Such occurrences can lead to a decline in confidence and self-esteem. Furthermore, these symptoms have the potential to strain marital relationships. Discussing these issues can be challenging due to feelings of embarrassment, frustration, or sadness.

Achieve a lasting solution to your incontinence concerns, enabling you to confidently engage in activities such as exercising, sneezing, laughing, jumping, and living fully, thanks to specialized pelvic floor physical therapy provided by experts.

Get Back to Your Normal Life

Finally you can Get back to being you

Don't let incontinence disrupt your way of life any longer. Reclaim your true self through activities like exercise, laughter, and everyday routines. Rediscover the joy of normal activities and working out, returning to the lifestyle you deserve.

Incontinence can undeniably have a profound impact on one's quality of life, affecting not only physical well-being but also emotional and social aspects. The constant worry and limitation imposed by this condition can lead to a diminished sense of self and the avoidance of activities that once brought joy. However, the prospect of regaining control and returning to a more fulfilling life is achievable.

Finally You can embrace life to the fullest extent again:

  • Excercise
  • Sexual wellbeing
  • Normal everyday activities
  • Even enjoy laughing again with the fear

EMSELLA - The Breakthrough for Incontinence

Equivalent to 11,000 Kegels!

EMSELLA is a simple and effective treatment for urinary incontinence & sexual wellness. It is a non-invasive and innovative approach - in just a 28 minute treatment - to strengthen the pelvic floor. 

Reasons that EMSELLA is the treatment of choice for many of our clients:

  • Non-Invasive and Painless: No incisions, injections, or anesthesia.
  • Targeted Pelvic Floor Stimulation: Strengthens pelvic floor muscles.
  • Effective & Efficient: Reduces incontinence episodes with a few sessions.
  • Convenience & Time-Saving: 30-minute sessions, no active participation required.
  • Non-Hormonal Solution: Alternative to hormonal therapies.

EMSELLA is a non-invasive treatment provided through the use of a special chair-like device that sends strong electromagnetic waves to the muscles of the pelvic floor. This helps to strengthen and tone pelvic and surrounding muscles, promoting improved pelvic health and addressing conditions like urinary incontinence.

How Does EMSELLA Work?

Using High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology, Emsella stimulates the pelvic floor muscles.

This is done much the same way Kegel exercises work, only at a greater intensity, speed and without conscious effort. This technology generates electromagnetic currents which create a magnetic field around the pelvic floor.

This field then triggers the contractions that give the muscles an intense workout. Your muscles become stronger and tighter with each session.

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